Your vote in June isn't just a decision—it's a crucial tool that leads us to a better life. Young people deserve more than survival; we deserve thriving. Without your vote, European leaders won't step up and address our issues. This is your future we're talking about.
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Hey! Have you felt the weight of the cost of living crisis in your bank account? My god, from the crazy increase of prices on some basic products like vegetables, to rents, to the prices of water and electricity. And with the unstable job market and the far-right policies aimed to help rich become richer, I feel like parts of our future have been stolen from us.
If we all go and vote in these EU elections on 6-9th of June, together we could build a future that's not only ensures our survival, but allows us to actually enjoy our lives and not stress for what's to come. Don’t miss your chance for a better future, pledge to vote now:
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Hey! I feel like recently I've been feeling less and less certain about my future. Do you feel it too?
Like it seems to me, that our parents could just buy a house for 5k and a packet of chips, while for us the dream of owning a home is almost unattainable. With the rent rising like crazy, and landlords and corporations like Airbnb getting greedier every day, I feel like parts of our future have been stolen from us. But this is OUR fucking future.
We can't comply with legislators who don't care and I really believe that we can have an impact if we vote in these EU elecitons! If we all go and vote on 6-9th of June, together we can build a future that not only ensures our survival, but allows us to actually enjoy our lives and not stress about what's to come. Don’t miss your chance for a better future, pledge to vote now to get a reminder later:
Hey! I am very concerned about the future.
I see how LGBTQA+ people are struggling in the hands of the right wing governments, how the rights to our bodies are withering away with every abortion ban, how domestic violence is still a problem that is not taken seriously by police all around Europe. This is scary.
Looking at what is going on in the world, I am afraid that if we don’t vote, we will be stuck in a society, where we will be scared to exist.
If we all go and vote in these EU elections on 6-9th of June, together we can build a future that's not only ensures our survival, but allows us to actually enjoy our lives and not stress about what's to come. Don’t miss your chance for a better future, pledge to vote now to get a reminder later:
Hey! These European Elections are really about our fucking future.
We have changed the course of elections and policies before. Think of the Green Deal and the mobilisations that happened prior to it.
Young people should never be taken less seriously than any other age group, especially when the policies that are being made now will be directly impacting OUR future. We should have a future worth living in, not one where we carry the burdens of the past generations.
If we all go and vote in these EU elections on 6-9th of June, together we can build a future that's not only ensures our survival, but allows us to actually enjoy our lives and not stress about what's to come. Don’t miss your chance for a better future, pledge to vote now to get a reminder later:
Hey! Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that the news and our social media is so depressing.
Like, politics does not NEED to be like this. We could have a society where everybody can comfortably afford their own home; where everyone feels safe and happy in their neighbourhood at night; where young people leave school and university confident in and excited for their future. Our country is rich enough to afford this. It’s simply a matter of political will that everything is so fucked.
If we all go and vote in these EU elections on 6-9th of June, together we can build a future that's not only ensures our survival, but allows us to actually enjoy our lives and not stress about what's to come. Don’t miss your chance for a better future, pledge to vote now to get a reminder later: