From advocating for legislative changes through petitions to collaborating with the European Green Party, our campaigns address pressing environmental and social justice issues. Dive into our archive to witness the positive impact we have made and the difference our campaigns have brought about.
Join us in shaping a sustainable and just future for Europe!
Tax the rich to save the climate
Climate justice is social justice. We cannot address one without the other. But we cannot address either without addressing the biggest contributor to both, the rich.
By taxing the wealthiest individuals and corporations in Europe we can build a society that is fairer and better for all.
The Tax the Rich to Save the Climate campaign aimed to raise awareness about the myth of capitalism with an emphasised focus on marginalised communities and the poor.
The campaign was conducted online during March and April 2023 and comprised six Instagram posts that were published on our accounts. These posts were provided to our member organisations for them to share and translate, this was done by Juventud Verde and Νέοι Πράσινοι.
Mental Health is political
In 2022, FYEG ran a one-month campaign on Mental Health in October and November to showcase how mental health is political and the way services, housing or work function in our societies and affect our mental health.
The campaign kicked off on World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2022 and culminated with the launch of the Mental Health Is Political video featuring Finnish MEP Alviina Alametsä and Swedish MEP Alice Bah Kunke.
The campaign was multilingual, meaning outputs were translated into Azerbaijani, Spanish, Greek, Catalan, Estonian, Finnish, French and German. Moreover, one of our posts regarding refugees was partially translated into Arabic and Ukrainian.
The campaign was successful and managed to reach around 50.000 people all over Europe!
In 2022, FYEG organised a joint campaign on youth policy Ban Unpaid Internships. The campaign took place in February 2022 and aimed to push for a legal framework that would ban unpaid internships across Europe following the European Parliament's introduction of a resolution on Empowering European Youth.
FYEG spearheaded a joint campaign with the European Youth Forum, other party political youth organisations, and trade unions (ETUC) in advance of the vote.
Our efforts included launching a petition that garnered 7,000 signatures and lobbying MEPs across the political spectrum to support the ban. Our campaign received coverage in Politico and Euractiv.
Polluters out! PEOPLE IN!
In 2021 FYEG ran a joint campaign with Tilt to revoke precious COP26 access badges from fossil fuel executives and give them to people working on the frontlines of our future.
The online campaign attracted many users to support our petition aimed directly to the COP26 President Alok Sharma and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Patricia Espinosa.