Young Greens Forum 2025
The Online Young Greens Forum (YGF) is an online meeting of the representatives from FYEG Member Organisations, representatives of working groups and other bodies of FYEG. It functions as a prelude to the General Assembly and it is an opportunity for FYEGers to meet each other, work towards strengthening the network and have exchanges on organisational and political topics. It creates the space to discuss FYEG as an organisation and also provides space for Member Organisations to give input to improve FYEG’s work and activities.
This meeting is crucial for all the members of the Federation, as it will provide relevant information on the upcoming events, especially on the Statutory processes towards the General Assembly 2025. The programme will also include political exchanges and a point on finances (the final report of 2024 and an update of the plan 2025).
The Forum will take place on FYEG’s Discord server, the Green Base, on Saturday, 15th of February from 10:00 CET to 13:30 CET. The full programme will be circulated soon.
FYEG Executive Committee invites all Full, Candidate and Associate Member Organisation to register their delegates. Members of other bodies are also welcome to attend the event. While there are no limits to the number of members of each MO, it is strongly suggested to register two delegates following this criteria:
The delegates are the same people that will attend the General Assembly in Paris, or at least will be actively involved in the preparation of their MO’s positions and work towards the GA;
The delegates have political mandates in their organisations, such as the international officers, co-spokespeople, or members of the board or secretariat;
At least one of the delegates has previous experience with FYEG;
It is strongly advised to send a gender balanced team. At least half of the delegation should identify as woman, intersex, trans, non-binary or agender.
Please note that this online event will take place in the ‘Green Base’, FYEG’s Discord server. Before registering for the Young Greens Forum, you must create an account in the Green Base if you don\t have one yet. Please follow THIS LINK to join the Green Base.
All delegates must register USING THIS REGISTRATION FORM until the 9th of February at 23:59 CET. You will have to provide your username on the Green Base before registering. Please join the Green Base and/or take note of your username before filling out the registration form.
If you have questions about the Young Greens Forum, get in touch with the EC responsibles, and serdar.senegezer@fyeg.orgh
If you need technical support with Discord, get in touch with FYEG’s Community Officer,