Join us for COP29 in Baku

FYEG and CDNEE are heading to Baku, Azerbaijan, during COP29. Are you prepared to become a Prep Team member or a participant? Which route are you taking?

This event is a side event to COP29, participants and prep-team members will not have delegate passes to the conference. FYEG will launch a call for delegates later this year, places will be very limited.

The Federation of Young European Greens and the Coordination and Development Network Eastern Europe are excited to announce an open call for participants and members of the Preparatory Team for the international event 'Ready, set, go… - The green future' scheduled to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on 15-20.11.2024. 

'Ready, set, go… - The green future’ is a 5-day event whose activities will emphasise political and activist participation, the effective exercise of rights such as protesting and accessing public information, and the development of skills in community building and forming partnerships with like-minded organisations. All during the duration of COP29, which will be visited by the group to experience the culture of peaceful demonstrations at large, international conferences.

The aim of this activity is to establish a space for dialogue on the future actions within the green youth movement, taking into account the present (post 2024 EU electoral) context and the aspirations of young people in Europe. The concrete objectives are to:

Reflect on and evaluate the activities carried out so far by youth and political movements and their impact on the 2024 European elections.

  • Facilitate the participation in organised activist spaces and peaceful demonstrations around the climate negotiations at COP29, as an example of youth participation applied in practice. 

  • Strengthen the strategy of diverse youth participation in European policies, decision-making and monitoring beyond 2024 through mutual skill-building and planning.  

  • Consolidate dialogue and cooperation between youth movements working for climate and social policy change.

Option 1 - Participant [Closed]

As a participant, you will deepen your understanding of youth activism, including climate activism, learn how to foster activist and political collaboration, and see how you can inspire action. Through a range of engaging activities, participants will reflect on past efforts of different youth movements, explore the fundamentals of youth engagement, and chart a course for the future. From reflective exercises and team-building activities to hands-on practice and community mapping, each day of the event offers opportunities for growth and empowerment. Guided by non-formal education principles, every participant will have a voice in shaping the collective journey. Join us in Baku and be part of a dynamic experience that equips you with the tools and insights to drive positive change! 

FYEG and CDNEE aim to bring together a diverse group of young people who will help rethink the priorities of the green network - from Dublin to Tbilisi, from Oslo to Nicosia. 

Our diverse and unique lived experiences, perspectives, and beliefs are what make us green. Help us define what Europe's future should look like and what we should do to get there.


IMPORTANT: Once you have registered your interest, you will be emailed the official application form, which you must complete by midnight on 2 June 2024 to complete your application.

Practical information:

Participants: We are looking for young people between 15-35 years old, residing in one of the Council of Europe member states, Belarus, Russia and Kosovo*. We welcome applications reflecting diversity in all forms and we encourage applications from those who identify as women*, LGBTQIA+, POC, or with a disability or other health impairment.

Language: The main language of this activity will be English, but not being comfortable interacting in English should not stop you from applying. We are sure you speak English better than you think!

Costs: Your costs of participation in the event - including lodging (accommodation in multi-bed rooms, vegan food), visa - will be fully covered by the organisers. Additionally, travel costs will be covered up to a given amount based on actual travel costs from your place of residence to Azerbaijan. Participants will be asked to combine the most economic and environmentally friendly way of travelling (lowest price + travel time + CO2 emissions). 

Participation fee: In exchange, FYEG and CDN ask you to contribute with a participation fee depending on your country of residence and your means, as follows:

Category 1 (North and West region countries): EUR 130 (base fee) or 180 (solidarity fee)

Category 2 (South and Centre region countries): EUR 100 (base fee) or 150 (solidarity fee)

Category 3 (East region countries): EUR 50 (base fee) or 65 (solidarity fee)

→ If paying the fee is an obstacle, we encourage you to apply anyway; FYEG and CDN are happy to reduce or waive it.

An overview of the categories for each country is available HERE

Please assess whether you would like to pay the base or the solidarity fee based on your financial situation. The solidarity fee is in place for applicants who have the means to contribute a bit more in solidarity with others. Applicants for whom paying the fee is an obstacle for participation should still apply. FYEG will try to find a solution together with the applicant when the selection is finalised.

The FULL Participant application deadline is 02.06.2024, 23:59 CEST. Applications sent after this time will not be considered.

You will be informed about the results of the selection before 15.06.2024. You will have to respond to the acceptance email within 48 hours, so during the time, please make sure to check your inbox regularly! 

*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

“Ready, set, go… - The green future” is the third activity of FYEG’s Your Future Starts Today project, supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe, the European Green Party and the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.

The work of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) is co-funded in part by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of FYEG only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Option 2 - Prep Team member [Closed]

We are currently looking for 3 individuals to join the international Preparatory Team and lead the preparation of the activities with the full support of FYEG’s Project and Programme Officer, a member of CDN’s Executive Committee, and a member of FYEG’s Executive Committee. Your responsibilities in this role will include:

  • Full participation in a Live Prep Team meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on 20-21.07 (two full working days over a weekend, arriving on Friday and leaving on Monday).

  • Active participation in weekly online meetings, research, and workshop design prior to the event (approximately 3-4 hours per week, 1-2 meetings in June and then weekly starting in September, with workload varying depending on assigned tasks).

  • Complete preparation and implementation of the programme and programme materials.

  • Invitation and communication with guests in alignment with the project's goals.

  • Participant selection and pre-event communication.

Practical Information:

Participants: We are looking for young people between 15-35 years old, residing in one of the Council of Europe member states, Belarus, Russia and Kosovo*. We welcome applications reflecting diversity in all forms and we encourage applications from those who identify as women*, LGBTQIA+, POC, or with a disability or other health impairment.

Accommodation, food, workspace, travel, and visa costs for the Preparatory Team will be fully covered. For selecting travel means, the condition is to choose the most economical and environmentally friendly option (considering price, travel time, and CO2 emissions).

If you are a team player interested in developing your trainer skills and are willing to be part of an adventure that could shape the future of the youth green movements, this project is for you!


IMPORTANT: Once you have registered your interest, you will be emailed the official application form, which you must complete by midnight on 26 May 2024 to complete your application.

The FULL application deadline is 26.05.2024, 23:59 CEST. Applications sent after this time will not be considered. Prep Team applicants who prove exceptional motivation and understanding of the event, if not selected to be members of the Prep Team, will be automatically accepted as participants and notified latest on 29.05.2024 about the decision.


Call for Intern - Communications and Campaigns


GOTV - Event and Training