Call for Summer Camp Participants: This Oppressive System and Our Mental Health

The Federation of Young European Greens is announcing an open call for participants for our summer camp “This Oppressive System and Our Mental Health”, an international activity that will take place on 23 - 28 July 2022 (arrival on July 22nd, departure on July 29th) in France (exact location to be confirmed) co-hosted by Les Jeunes Écologistes.


The Summer Camp will consist of 6 days of workshops and discussions on how mental health issues disproportionately affect the oppressed and activists. FYEG’s summer camp will analyse cases of repressed freedom of expression, right to protest, and access to information in Europe. 

More precisely, the objectives of the summer camp are:

  1. To learn about European cases of violation of the rights of expression, assembly and access to information and how they affect the mental health of oppressed people (i.e. LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, people from discriminated against and minority groups etc.), activists and oppressed activists (e.g. Black Lives Matter, queer activists etc.);

  2. Identify how mental health issues show up among activists and oppressed people today, distinguishing between mental health issues and mental illnesses, and sharing solutions at the individual and community level;

  3. Reach a wider number of youth through the preparation and dissemination of a training workshop template and resources on the topic which will inform a European-wide mental health campaign led by FYEG.

The programme will be based on the principles of non-formal education and intercultural learning. The sessions will be balanced between theoretical inputs, work in small groups, workshops, discussions, training and other interactive methods. The active participation of the participants is essential to the success of the summer camp. 


Participants: We are looking for 40 young people between 15-35, residing in one of the Council of Europe member states, Belarus, Russia and Kosovo*. We welcome applications reflecting diversity in all forms; therefore we encourage applications from those who identify as women*, LGBTQIA+, POC, or with a disability or other health impairment.

Language: The main language of this activity will be English. Not being comfortable interacting in English should not prevent you from applying, as we will try finding a solution with you to support you.

Costs: Your costs of participation in the event, including lodging (accommodation in multi-bed rooms, vegetarian or vegan food, and refreshments), visa, PCR tests (if required), will be fully covered by the organisers. Additionally, travel costs will be covered up to a given amount based on actual travel costs from your place of residence to the location of the event, as calculated ahead of the event. Participants will be asked to combine the most economic and environmentally friendly way of travelling (lowest price + travel time + CO2 emissions). 

Participation fee: In exchange, FYEG asks you to contribute with a participation fee depending on your country of residence and your means, as follows:

  • Category 1 (North and West region countries): EUR 140 (base fee) or 210 (solidarity fee)

  • Category 2 (South and Centre region countries): EUR 100 (base fee) or 160 (solidarity fee)

  • Category 3 (East region countries): EUR 60 (base fee) or 100 (solidarity fee)

An overview of the categories for each country is available HERE. Please assess for yourself based on your financial situation whether you would like to pay the base or the solidarity fee. The solidarity fee is in place for applicants who can contribute a bit more in solidarity with others, if they have the means. 

Applicants for whom paying the fee is an obstacle for participation, should still apply and mention this in their application. FYEG will try to find a solution together with the applicant after the selection is finalised. This will NOT be a criteria for selection.

Covid guidelines: Following FYEG COVID guidelines, we are only accepting participants who are fully vaccinated. Being fully vaccinated means that you got the final dose of your vaccine at least 15 days before the event AND the booster if it is available for you according to your country's regulations (if for example your country does not require minors to get boostered and you are a minor, you can still take part provided you send us a link of the government website that proofs this information). Those who are ineligible for vaccination due to health reasons or conditions and have a medical report that proves it are also welcome to join. We may require all selected participants to present a negative PCR test taken in the 48 hours before the start of the event. More information on Covid requirements will be sent to selected participants.


DEADLINE for submitting online applications: May 16 2022 at Midnight CET. You will be informed about the results of the selection within ten days after the deadline.


“This Oppressive System and Our Mental Health” summer camp is the second activity of FYEG’s The Politics of Mental Health project, supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. A one-day summer school hosted as part of the summer camp is organised by the Green European Foundation with the support of FYEG and with the financial support of the European Parliament to the Green European Foundation.

*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


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Call for Prep Team: Summercamp: This oppressive system and our mental health