EU and You!
FYEG is implementing the EU and You! grant programme. This programme is giving the opportunity for all the following MOs to design and implement campaigns and dissemination activities to promote, analyse, and raise awareness on the projects implemented and/or funded by the EU at the local, regional or national level by choosing one EU project and designing activities and/or campaign to promote it amongst the citizens.
This programme is part of FYEG’s project “Feminist, Diverse, Democratic, Sustainable and Social Europe 2023”, supported by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Commission.
A Social Europe for young europeans : How the UE can ensure decent living conditions to every young European citizen
Les Jeunes Écologistes
Budget received: €7368.68
Project duration: 6 months (May to October 2023)
Target Group: Young people between 16 and 30, politically and non-politically active. 500 000 impressions.
Les Jeunes Écologistes organised a physical and online compaign to bring awareness about the EU social policies and the importance of the EU elections. The campaing theme was "Take Back Power in Europe! For a Social and Radical Ecology.", a call to mobilise and promote a ecological and social Europe. The heart of the campaign focused on two main messures: the end of unpaid internships and the European minimum income.The phyiscal campaing consisted in pamphlets, posters, booths and conferences; and the online campaign.
The campaign amied to reach young people, aged from 16 to 30 years old through traditional and online means, including informational meetings in strategic locations and sponsored posts, in total 187 mobilisations took place. This hybrid approach allawed Les Jeunes Écologistes to reach a broad spectrum of young people.
Just Transition in the Baltic Sea Region Summer Camp
ProtestsBudget received: €8800
Project duration: 5,5 months (mid-May to October)
Target group: 23 young people from Latvia, Lithuania, Czechia, Ukraine.Protests organised a 4-day international event in Sigulda (Latvia) to promote social and climate justice and disseminate the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). The event brought together young people from across the Baltic Region and employed non-formal education methods. The agenda included activities such as team-building, intercultural learning, and in-depth discussions on topics like sustainable development goals, renewable energy, social and economic justice, climate change mitigation, and adaptation. Participants explored the intersectionality of these issues and the importance of community engagement and equitable transitions. The event featured panel discussions with government officials, academics, and civil society organizations. It concluded with participants developing project outputs and recording podcasts in their national languages about just transition in the Baltic Sea region, extending the impact of the event beyond its duration.
Europa Social
Spain (Catalonia)
Joves EcosocialistesBudget received:€9,140.55
Project duration: 6 months (May to October 2023)
Target Group: Around 145 young people in Catalonia, through a phyisical and online event.Joves Ecosocialistes launched the "Europa Social" project to increase awareness of the EU's social initiatives and advocate for beneficial social policies, with a particular emphasis on Catalonia's youth. It successfully executed two key initiatives: a special edition of the Joves Ecosocialistes magazine, Jovent, and a one-day conference on European social policies held in September. The magazine, published in the first week of September, primarily expanded awareness of the event and stimulated discussions on social Europe in universities throughout September and October. The "Europa Social" project effectively acted as a platform for disseminating, analysing, and debating these actions, significantly contributing to the education and mobilisation of Catalan youth regarding European social policies. This not only offered valuable insights into the EU's current actions but also sparked discussions and debates about its potential future role and responsibilities to address current and future challenges, thereby broadening participants' perspectives.
Just Transition Seminar (Väentapaaminen)
Vihreät NuoretBudget received: €3,403.95
Project duration: 6 months (May to October 2023)
Target group: 72 members and non-members, nationwide and locally, interested in environmental topics and feminismVihreät Nuoret organised a two-day event, the Just Transition seminar, known as "Väentapaaminen," in Kuopio from October 7th to 8th. A diverse group of 72 participants, comprising both members and non-members from across the nation and locally, convened to discuss the critical topic of the Just Transition Mechanism and its role in ensuring a fair transition towards a climate-neutral economy. Experts in the fields of just transition and green politics were featured as speakers, providing attendees with in-depth knowledge on various specific subjects. Alongside the enlightening presentations, the program incorporated opportunities for networking and relaxation, fostering connections and networking among the participants. This event served as an inclusive platform for individuals to come together, exchange ideas, and collectively work towards a sustainable and equitable future.
Summer Camp: With or Without EU
Óighe Ghlas
Budget received: €3403.95
Project duration: 5,5 months (mid-May to October)
Target group: 34 young people from members of the Young Greens from England and Wales, Ireland, and Wales.Óige Ghlas organised a collaborative summer camp in Ireland with the Scottish Young Greens and Young Greens England and Wales, uniting members from each organisation for a five-day event with a focus on youth representation in politics. The camp focused on youth representation in politics and addressed the consequences of Brexit, specifically how it has affected the UK compared to Ireland. The program covered a range of topics, including the Good Friday Agreement, the Erasmus scheme, campaign strategies, and collaboration with MEPs. The project aimed to promote international cooperation, empower attendees with skills and knowledge, and educate them about EU initiatives and policies. It sought to engage participants in broader European politics, ultimately contributing to a more united youth green movement in Europe. The initiative aligned with the European Year of Youth and the European Commission's partnership with young people, strongly emphasising youth participation and empowerment in policy-making decisions.
A New Approach to Mental Health
Zelena Omladina SrbijeBuedget received: €1,527.42
Project duration : 6 months (May to October 2023)
Target group: 20 young people in Serbia, from 19 to 30 years old.Zelena Omladine Srbije organised a Mental Health project structured in three phases to politicise this topic. The project started with a desk research phase, in which the prep team interviewed some experts and read through research papers and legislation, local and UE. The prep team prepared the visual identity and messaging, for which they got some inspiration from last year's FYEG work plan on mental health and adapted it to the local context. With the outputs of this research phase, Zelena Omladine organised a public live event as a panel. This event was organised on one "vegan dinners" night, bringing 20 people face-to-face and 35 online streaming. Within this event, Zelena Omladine launched the last phase of this project: a social media campaign to mainstream and raise awareness of Mental Health and the design of a mental healthcare strategy together with their mother party, the Green-Left Front.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.