The Young European Greens (FYEG) are very excited to invite you to The Green Rave, our inaugural event for the youth’s European Union elections campaign! The Green Rave will happen on the 1st of March in Rome (Italy) from 13:30 until late at night.Five years ago, the success of the ‘green wave’ was the headline story of the European elections. This record success was built by young people taking to the streets and demanding climate action, which has been echoed into the Parliament chambers over the last five years by the Green Group in the European Parliament - led consecutively by two former FYEG Co-spokespeople.
This time is different. The bad news is that the far-right is radicalising mainstream politicians against environmental action and basic human rights, and look set to grow their share of power. We also cannot rely on the huge climate mobilisation we saw five years ago.
The good news is that we could still win a green-left-liberal majority in the European Parliament, and freeze the right-wing out of power. The good news is that FYEG is bigger, stronger, and better prepared than ever. The good news is that we have you and the work you have tirelessly done in your communities, organisations and networks to make our shared vision stronger. This is why we invite you to join us for the Green Rave. This exciting political festival, welcoming approximately 200 participants from Italian and international communities, as well as European media, will be full of interactive panels and activities, offering a platform for Young to present our election priorities, to get your feedback on all of these, and for all of us to share our vision for a European Parliament powered by Greens. The activities will focus on key topics, including migration, wealth inequality, feminism, and climate, creating a space for the exchange of campaigning strategies and political ideas across the generations to fuel the change in Europe that we deserve. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to engage with fellow politicians, experts, and passionate young green campaigners!