GA23 Information for delegates and observers

The Federation of Young European Greens warmly invites you to join our General Assembly (GA) between 11 - 14 May 2023 in Barcelona with Compromise Amendment Sessions taking place online on 5 May 2023 and 8 May 2023.

The General Assembly is the most important decision-making event that takes place each year. It is the occasion to reflect on our work, elect our leadership and decide on our future plans. The General Assembly will be combined with a spring conference on learning from the feminist and inclusive urban planning of Barcelona and adapting it to European solutions.

We are very happy to host the General Assembly with Joves Ecosocialistes - Catalan Young Greens.

Registration for delegates

The registration of delegates for the General Assembly is closed.

Each Full and Candidate Member Organisation has a right to nominate up to two delegates

  • Travel costs, accommodation and lodging costs of the first delegate is covered by FYEG. First delegates do not pay a participation fee.

  • Travel costs, accommodation and lodging costs of the second delegate is covered by FYEG.  

    • Basic participation fee for the second delegate is 70 euros if at least one delegate self-identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer. (or 140 euros if no delegate identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer). 

    • There is also the option to pay a solidarity fee for the second delegate, that is 100 euros if at least one delegate self-identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer (or 200 euros if no delegate identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer).

  • Each Associate Member Organisation has a right to nominate up to two delegates

    • Travel costs, accommodation and lodging costs of the first delegate is covered by FYEG. First delegates do not pay a participation fee.

    • Travel costs, accommodation and lodging costs of the second delegate is not covered by FYEG. Participation fee for the second delegate is 140 euros if at least one delegate self-identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer (or 280 euros if no delegate identifies as woman, trans or genderqueer). 

  • Each Full Member Organisation has two voting rights at the General Assembly if the membership fee is paid. Candidate and Associate Member Organisations do not have a voting right. 

  • Other members of FYEG Member Organisations (Full, Candidate, Observer) and Working Group members can register as Observers. Observers will be able to follow the discussions as participants. There is no limit to the number of Observers. The travel costs of Observers are not covered by FYEG. 

  • Full participation fee for Observers is 280 euros. It covers the accommodation cost and the meal costs.

  • Basic participation fee for Observers is 100 euros. It covers meals. 

  • Member Organisations should strive to send delegations to the General Assembly that are gender-balanced and consist of delegates maximum aged 30 years old. If the organisation is unable to find delegates within the age limit, they can send older delegates aged 31-35.


The General Assembly will take place in Barcelona between 11th and 14th of May 2023 with two Compromise Amendment Sessions taking place online on 05 May 2023 and 08 May 2023.

Please see the Program for more information.

Registration in person is open from Wednesday, 10th of May. That’s the day when we expect delegates to arrive in Barcelona. The General Assembly Programme will start on 11th of May in the morning (full days on 11th, 12th, 13th of May). Delegates are expected to depart on Sunday, 14th of May.

Please read the Financial Conditions and Information Sheet very carefully.