Call for host organisation: General Assembly 2025

FYEG's Executive Committee is announcing a call for a host organisation for FYEG’s 2025 General Assembly (GA) scheduled for May or June. The GA will be 3 days long and take place from Thursday to Saturday (arrival on Wednesday and departure on Sunday). The EC suggested the following tentative dates: 

  • from the 22nd of May to the 24th of May (arrival on the 21st and departure on the 25th), or 

  • from the 29th of May to the 31st of May (arrival on the 28th and departure on the 1st of June), or 

  • from the 5th of June to the 7th of June (arrival on the 4th and departure on the 8th).

If you believe your MO has the capacity to host, we warmly encourage you to apply. Please make sure to understand the application process and the efforts that need to be invested when hosting the General Assembly. We are looking forward to working together to gather all our Member Organisations.

FYEG strives for regional balance in the organisation of its events, including the GA. We will take into account the locations of previous in-person GAs: 2024 in Dublin (Ireland), 2023 Barcelona (Spain), 2022 Karlsruhe (Germany); 2019 İstanbul (Turkey).

As the GA is FYEG’s most important event of the year it will be an amazing time and the chance to put forward creative proposals and to welcome young greens from across Europe. It is a time-consuming commitment of great responsibility, but also a rewarding effort full of learning and team-building opportunities with the full support of FYEG’s Executive Committee and Office.

If your organisation is interested in hosting the 2025 GA, we kindly ask you to submit a short application to help us decide on the best possible location. This gathering will consist of the statutory meeting (the GA itself) and the Spring Conference. Please keep in mind that this is a long-term commitment as the preparations might require your local team’s attention at least 3 months prior to the event and a few weeks after your MO is selected as host, therefore we ask that you confirm you have enough people who can remain committed for this period of time.

Your application should be sent via email to and contain:

  • The completed logistics questionnaire (see template here) for the proposed city of the event, with an overview of up to 3 affordable options for accommodation, meeting venue and catering as well as the basic info regarding international travel; the logistics questionnaire includes also a part on human resources. Please read the questionnaire carefully to understand the needs from our side.

  • A short statement on behalf of your organisation, expressing the interest to be the host of the General Assembly 2025 and the commitment to take part in the entire planning and organisational process. 

In your interest letter, please include information on the political motivations of your organisation to host the Federation of Young European Greens. Also please mention the political priorities of your organisation that could be suitable for the panels, debates and workshops that would take place in the scope of the General Assembly. (Please note that the final program of the GA and the Spring Conference is ultimately decided by the Executive Committee and its content is also subject to the condition of other co-funders).

Please send all documents by Sunday the 27th of October 23:59 CET by email to After you submit your application we will probably ask follow-up questions to be answered within one week. The final decision regarding the selected location shortly after.

If hosting a General Assembly is beyond your organisation’s capacities but you would still like to host a FYEG event:

  • keep an eye on the activities and opportunities promoted in FYEG website and other channels

  • Get in touch with the FYEG office

For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact


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