Make Your PlEdge - Vote for a Liveable Planet

You can change the course of history

Our planet is gasping for breath. Heatwaves scorch our cities, once vibrant forests are dying out, and our oceans suffocate under layers of plastic. But amidst this darkness, there is a ray of hope—a hope that lies within your vote.

  • Keep the Green Deal Alive

    The European Commission threatens to abandon its climate plans to appease the far-right.

    We’re running out of time. The catastrophic consequences of climate change are in plain sight and every week we witness news about record-breaking temperatures, devastating natural disasters, and irreversible loss of biodiversity

  • End Arms Exports to Israel

    Nothing can justify this killing.

    We have the power to end this suffering; we have the power to push for our governments to help end this killing. It’s time we use our rights and our democracy to show compassion and change the world for the better. Let’s use it together!

    Help us pressure Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Commission to ban the export of weapons to Israel! Send an email now!

  • Ban Unpaid Internships

    It takes one minute to email Commissioner Schmit using our tool. Tell him we need to ban unpaid internships.

    The European Commission's proposal revealed on March 20 is a major letdown. Their proposa aims to ensure fair pay only for those interns who have completed their education and who are already getting paid. Every person who works should get paid.

  • Tell Paypal - Stop Supporting Fascists

    In Germany, the AfD are spreading a message of hatred, intolerance and anti-democracy. They embrace divisive rhetoric and are fostering a climate of xenophobia.

    Paypal are supporting this message by giving them a way to accept donations, fueling their campaign of hate.

  • Safe Refuge for All

    Women and LGBTQIA+ migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Europe face immense challenges due to a lack of intersectionality in migration policies. We demand the EU to take action and ensure Safe refuge for all!

  • We demand Erasmus Equality!

    The Erasmus programme is one of the success stories of the European Union, with more than 10 million participants so far. It allows students to study in another country, creating unforgettable experiences, not only in the classroom, but also outside.

    We want the Erasmus programme to become equally accessible for all, regardless of your country or personal economic background.

Campaign with us for the European elections!


In the pursuit of democracy, freedom, and our rights, now more than ever, it’s important we stand united, fierce and determined.

To reach our visions, we need all of us.

Together, we can shape a more inclusive and sustainable Europe!

Young Green Leaders

The Young Green Leaders are 6 incredible young candidates standing for election to the European Parliament in 2024. Together they bring hope for a better Europe and will be at the forefront of our campaign.


    Age: 23
    Party: Die Grünen

    Lena Schilling is a 23-year-old climate activist from Austria, where she will top the list for the Green Party. Lena represents the first wave of climate strikers to try and enter the European Parliament.


    Age: 32
    Party: Europa Verde

    Benedetta, the Co-Spokesperson of FYEG and the co-founder of Giovanni Europeisti Verdi (the Italian Young Greens), comes from the south of Italy. Scuderi is committed to bring the youth perspective, as well as the Southern European struggles to the EP and she is eager to fight for a sustainable, feminist, and inclusive Europe.


    Age: 30
    Party: Groen

    Ariane, a Dutch woman with Rwandan roots, fights against the climate crisis and advocates for bold and ambitious climate policies. Ariane wants a climate-neutral, just, sustainable society in which everyone feels at home. For a society that shows solidarity with future generations.


    Age: 32
    Party: Zelení

    From Ústí nad Labem, in the Czech Republic, Zuzana is in politics to represent “common people just like her”. She has been fighting for fair and just asylum policies and is committed to making sustainable options easy and accessible for all. In the European Parliament, she hopes to make a difference in protecting Human Rights and freedoms.


    Age: 27
    Party: Miljöpartiet de gröna

    Wanja Kaufmann is 27 years old, based in Stockholm, Sweden, and is currently leading the Swedish Green Forum foundation which focuses on strengthening democracy and Green Party development in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Sub-saharan Africa. She runs for the European Parliament because she sees a need for more candidates who stand up for the ideals that the EU originally was built on — openness, cooperation and peace.


    Age: 27
    Party: GroenLinks

    Born in the Azores archipelago in Portugal, Vieira has lived in the Netherlands since 2017 and has been a part of the GroenLinks delegation to the European Green Party since 2022.

    Vieira has experienced first-hand the different realities amongst different communities within Europe and is eager to fight for a fairer and more sustainable Union. She is engaged in Human Rights protection and is committed to fighting for the right of her generation to a more protected environment and to a world free of discrimination.




We organise trainings and seminars for young greens who are working on building a more sustainable, social, feminist, welcoming and inclusive Europe.

Donations can go a long way in improving the quality of these training and seminars, but would also be used for more campaigns and actions on the topics we wish to bring to the forefront of politics.