Volunteer with us!

Election campaigns are when we are required to sprint. And we sprinted during the EU elections. But the truth is we are running a marathon.

Now the real work begins. And we need all of your energy. The results of the next elections are going to be impacted by the work we do starting today. Get involved!

  • Keep the Green Deal Alive

    The European Commission threatens to abandon its climate plans to appease the far-right.

    We’re running out of time. The catastrophic consequences of climate change are in plain sight and every week we witness news about record-breaking temperatures, devastating natural disasters, and irreversible loss of biodiversity

  • End Arms Exports to Israel

    Nothing can justify this killing.

    We have the power to end this suffering; we have the power to push for our governments to help end this killing. It’s time we use our rights and our democracy to show compassion and change the world for the better. Let’s use it together!

    Help us pressure Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Commission to ban the export of weapons to Israel! Send an email now!

  • Ban Unpaid Internships

    It takes one minute to email Commissioner Schmit using our tool. Tell him we need to ban unpaid internships.

    The European Commission's proposal revealed on March 20 is a major letdown. Their proposa aims to ensure fair pay only for those interns who have completed their education and who are already getting paid. Every person who works should get paid.

  • Tell Paypal - Stop Supporting Fascists

    In Germany, the AfD are spreading a message of hatred, intolerance and anti-democracy. They embrace divisive rhetoric and are fostering a climate of xenophobia.

    Paypal are supporting this message by giving them a way to accept donations, fueling their campaign of hate.

  • Safe Refuge for All

    Women and LGBTQIA+ migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Europe face immense challenges due to a lack of intersectionality in migration policies. We demand the EU to take action and ensure Safe refuge for all!

  • We demand Erasmus Equality!

    The Erasmus programme is one of the success stories of the European Union, with more than 10 million participants so far. It allows students to study in another country, creating unforgettable experiences, not only in the classroom, but also outside.

    We want the Erasmus programme to become equally accessible for all, regardless of your country or personal economic background.




We organise trainings and seminars for young greens who are working on building a more sustainable, social, feminist, welcoming and inclusive Europe.

Donations can go a long way in improving the quality of these training and seminars, but would also be used for more campaigns and actions on the topics we wish to bring to the forefront of politics.